A couple of weeks ago, I got an email asking if I would be interested in writing a guest blog for the website NewOrleansmomsblog.com. I was thrilled! I'm happy to write for anyone who asks me these days, so I happily agreed.
A while later, I got an email telling me to come up with a topic and let them know what I wanted to write about.
Wait. You want ME to come up with the topic? Anything I want? About my snarky tweenage daughter I love to death but who drives me crazy most of the time?
Oh! The possibilities! There were so many. Too many! It took me weeks to decide -- in between covering baseball games for the upstart New Orleans Advocate, rooting for my husband, driving Miss Jane to dialysis three times a week (and back), going to the store for more macaroni and cheese and keeping the dogs from barking at the neighbors.
I finally narrowed it down to a choice between my fruitless attempts to curb her macaroni and cheese addition (is there a Macaroniandcheese Anonymous?) or our attempts to survive her first year of middle school. Although the editors liked both offerings, they preferred the second choice
So here it is, my first (I hope!) effort for the New Orleans Moms. Please check out their site. And to the New Orleans Moms, thanks for having me over. Next time I'll bring macaroni and cheese.
The First Year of Middle School: Challenges for both Mom and Daughter

A while later, I got an email telling me to come up with a topic and let them know what I wanted to write about.
Wait. You want ME to come up with the topic? Anything I want? About my snarky tweenage daughter I love to death but who drives me crazy most of the time?
Oh! The possibilities! There were so many. Too many! It took me weeks to decide -- in between covering baseball games for the upstart New Orleans Advocate, rooting for my husband, driving Miss Jane to dialysis three times a week (and back), going to the store for more macaroni and cheese and keeping the dogs from barking at the neighbors.
I finally narrowed it down to a choice between my fruitless attempts to curb her macaroni and cheese addition (is there a Macaroniandcheese Anonymous?) or our attempts to survive her first year of middle school. Although the editors liked both offerings, they preferred the second choice
So here it is, my first (I hope!) effort for the New Orleans Moms. Please check out their site. And to the New Orleans Moms, thanks for having me over. Next time I'll bring macaroni and cheese.
The First Year of Middle School: Challenges for both Mom and Daughter

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